Si chiama COGITO (COGnitive Individual computer Training Oriented) il progetto, realizzato da ASPHI con la partnership scientifica del Presidio Sanitario San Camillo di Torino, indirizzato prevalentemente a pazienti adulti con patologie neurologiche e/o cerebrovascolari.

Il progetto, avviato nell’ottobre 2007 con il finanziamento della Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino, e previsto concludersi entro la fine del 2009 con la realizzazione di un prodotto SW messo a disposizione in rete gratuitamente delle strutture specialistiche interessate, è finalizzato ad un training computerizzato per la rieducazione dei disturbi del linguaggio in comprensione ed espressione e dei disturbi di attenzione spaziale e memoria.

maggiori info su:

Techshare 2009

Link to conference website

Techshare highlights the role of technology in the everyday life of people with disabilities, looking not just at the internet but also software, mobiles, standards, compliance and much more. Techshare offers not only workshops and presentations, but also an opportunity to meet with other professionals in your field from all over the world as well as browse the extended exhibition space.

24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2009)

Dates: 03/16/2009 – 03/21/2009

The 24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference will be held:

March 16 – 21, 2009
At the Los Angeles Airport Marriott & Renaissance Montura Hotels

Please join us as we celebrate 24 years of leadership in the technology and disability fields. We will be presenting experts and trends in assistive technology and persons with disabilities, while also highlighting adaptive technology for aging and international practices.

Call for Papers is Now Open

The Call for Papers opens Monday, August 25th and closes Friday, October 17th. For additional information about Call for Papers or to submit a proposal please visit our Call for Papers page.