Techshare 2009

Link to conference website

Techshare highlights the role of technology in the everyday life of people with disabilities, looking not just at the internet but also software, mobiles, standards, compliance and much more. Techshare offers not only workshops and presentations, but also an opportunity to meet with other professionals in your field from all over the world as well as browse the extended exhibition space.

i-CREATe2009 3rd International Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology

22 – 26 April, 2009


The conference addresses current and future developments in the areas of Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology. Topic areas include, but not limited to:

  • New rehabilitation techniques & studies, novel assistive technology products
  • Assistive robotics, rehabilitative & therapeutic robotics, robotic environments and companions
  • Biomedical devices and instruments
  • Orthoses, exoskeletons, innovative mobility aids
  • User interfaces, brain-computer interface, bio-signal control interface
  • AAC products, studies & evaluations, translations
  • Universal design, inclusive housing & work place, transportation, accessibility issues
  • Smart home technology, environment control technology
  • Computer access products, software, studies & evaluations
  • Product development, commercialization, start-ups, and business related topics
  • Social issues, policies, political issues related disability and aging population
  • Gerontology and Geriatric Healthcare
  • Community Services and Social Works
  • Educational Improvement & Diversity : Case studies of good practices of AT & IT infusion in the special education classroom
  • Learning Disabilities & Developmental Disabilities : the challenge of having a barrier free learning environment
  • eTourism & disability
  • Accessible Tourism websites and accessible Tourism Information Systems (TIS)
  • Accessible Travel and Leisure holidays
  • Accessibility information/guidelines/audits for tourism products
  • Usability and user-interface studies
  • Economic evaluations of Accessible Tourism
  • Technologies and applications supporting Accessible Tourism
  • E-Accessibility, e-Inclusion, Universal Design and usability
  • Value creation and competitive based on social enterprises

The 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs

Over the last decades the advancement in Assistive Technologies (AT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have significantly influenced the life of people with disabilities. According changes in awareness and understanding of disability as well as social and legal frameworks, driven by Disability Rights and Independent Living Movements led to what is known as eAccessibility, Universal Design or eInclusion. The more ICT and AT increases the potential to enable people with disabilities to take part in almost any area of life, the more eInclusion and eAccessibility become a common responsibility of all providing information and/or technology. In 2006 ICCHP summarised this process in the equation “equality = eQuality”. “Equality”, equal access and therefore equal opportunity in society are dependant upon “eQuality”, the quality of systems and services in taking the needs of all possible users into account .

Master universitario di I livello in “Assistive Technology Ausili per l’Utenza Ampliata”

Il Master universitario consentirà di formare/aggiornare professionisti sui temi dell’ingegneria degli ausili per le persone con esigenze speciali (disabili, anziane, …) e prevede l’ammissione di laureati in qualsiasi disciplina. Le finalità del Master universitario sono la sensibilizzazione e la diffusione delle conoscenze sulle tecnologie e sulle innovazioni nel campo degli ausili. Tali conoscenze sono inserite in un contesto interdisciplinare più ampio che include anche temi economici e di sicurezza.


24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN 2009)

Dates: 03/16/2009 – 03/21/2009

The 24th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference will be held:

March 16 – 21, 2009
At the Los Angeles Airport Marriott & Renaissance Montura Hotels

Please join us as we celebrate 24 years of leadership in the technology and disability fields. We will be presenting experts and trends in assistive technology and persons with disabilities, while also highlighting adaptive technology for aging and international practices.

Call for Papers is Now Open

The Call for Papers opens Monday, August 25th and closes Friday, October 17th. For additional information about Call for Papers or to submit a proposal please visit our Call for Papers page.

Virtual Rehabilitation 2009 Conference

Topics related to the use of Virtual Reality in the following areas are solicited:

  • Motor Rehabilitation
  • Brain Computer Interfaces
  • Rehabilitation Robotics
  • Haptic interfaces
  • Psychological and Environmental Rehabilitation
  • Vestibular and Balance Rehabilitation
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Telerehabilitation
  • Sociological, demographic and legal aspects of Virtual Rehabilitation
  • Regulatory, education and formative efforts to promote Virtual Rehabilitation
  • Novel applications of game consoles

HANDImatica 2008

VII MOSTRA – CONVEGNO NAZIONALE 27, 28 e 29 novembre 2008
Bologna -Palazzo dei Congressi -Piazza Costituzione (zona Fiera)
Ingresso gratuito

I Temi Conduttori delle tre giornate di HANDImatica 2008 saranno: ESPERIENZE, TECNOLOGIA E PARTECIPAZIONE

Le tre giornate in cui si svolgerà HANDImatica prevedono un intenso programma sui temi delle tecnologie per la qualità della vita: convegni di “respiro” nazionale, seminari di approfondimento, workshop pratici, presentazioni di esperienze, laboratori mirati, foniranno occasioni di formazione, informazione, aggiornamento, approfondimento su come le nuove tecnologie possono, o potranno a breve, fornire soluzioni per l’integrazione delle persone disabili nei più diversi campi di applicazione (scuola, lavoro, società, salute, tempo libero, ambienti di vita).

Convegno: L’Ausilio nel progetto riabilitativo della persona disabile

L’obiettivo principale di questo convegno vuole essere quello di promuovere ed ampliare la cultura dell’ausilio e dell’autonomia nell’ambito riabilitativo, stimolando la ricerca di soluzioni sempre più rispondenti ai reali bisogni delle persone con disabilità.
Nel corso delle tre giornate saranno affrontati vari temi: informazione e normativa, postura e mobilità, accessibilità e fruibilità ambientale, sport e turismo, metodologie e strumenti di intervento, formazione e aggiornamento.
Uno spazio particolare sarà dedicato inoltre allo scambio e al confronto di esperienze significative, nell’intento di creare un dialogo tra le varie figure professionali ed un proficuo collegamento tra le realtà che operano nel settore.