The 11th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs

Over the last decades the advancement in Assistive Technologies (AT) and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have significantly influenced the life of people with disabilities. According changes in awareness and understanding of disability as well as social and legal frameworks, driven by Disability Rights and Independent Living Movements led to what is known as eAccessibility, Universal Design or eInclusion. The more ICT and AT increases the potential to enable people with disabilities to take part in almost any area of life, the more eInclusion and eAccessibility become a common responsibility of all providing information and/or technology. In 2006 ICCHP summarised this process in the equation “equality = eQuality”. “Equality”, equal access and therefore equal opportunity in society are dependant upon “eQuality”, the quality of systems and services in taking the needs of all possible users into account .